Bite-size Crisis and Media Communication Learning for AESGP

Dods Training communication expert, Sarah Wachter, delivered a series including Handling the Media in a Crisis, Coordinating Communication in a Crisis, Effectively Communicating your ESG Credentials and Managing Fake News and Disinformation.  

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Leadership and Management Training for Kuwait Civil Service

UNDP Kuwait worked with Dods Training to design and develop a programme of learning to enhance leadership capacities.

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Chevening Leadership Fellowship Programme for Coventry University

Dods Training worked with Coventry University to create a highly inclusive series of sessions for the Chevening Ethiopia Leadership Fellowship using a mix of interactive learning, support from policy experts, networking, guest speakers and practical work on a case study to bring the policy making processes to life.

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The Public Expenditure Scrutiny (PES) Project for the Caribbean Development Bank

The Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) looked to work with Dods Training to deliver a series of training opportunities on public expenditure scrutiny for Parliamentarians across the Caribbean.

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Cybercrime Investigation and Cyber Security Training for CARICOM IMPACS

Dods Training recruited a number of specialists in cyber incident response from the region. We developed and delivered a curriculum for both law enforcement (across 8 weeks) and the judiciary (across 4 weeks).

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United Nations Country Teams (UNCT) Mozambique: Media Communication Skills

Dods developed a two-day training programme to help the Heads of the United Nations Country Teams (UNCT) to develop messages and techniques to deliver effectively to the media.

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The Government of the Turks and Caicos Islands: Fraud Prevention and Document Verification

Dods developed a CPD-accredited learning programme led by two fraud experts, to help The Government of the Turks and Caicos Islands' departments develop skills in fraud prevention and document verification.

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Media handling for The Ministry of Peace in Ethiopia

Dods worked with The Ministry of Peace in Ethiopia to deliver highly effective communications across a range of audiences, and situations, and using a range of media.

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Public Sector Policy Analysis in the CDB

Dods was selected to design and deliver an interactive policy analysis and management training programme to enhance the knowledge and expertise of two tiers of policymakers at the highest level, that is, permanent secretaries and their deputies as well as, those leaders and technocrats who would be delegated to implement the policies.

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Consultancy on Developing and Retaining Public Sector Workforce in Panama

Dods was commissioned to conduct a consultancy to identify the areas of good and weak practice and to develop a set of recommendations for the Board of the Institute and Ministers to consider and put into action.

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UNDP LIBERIA Masterclasses in Anti-Corruption

UNDP as a partner to LACC, commissioned does to provide an interactive session where their existing knowledge, skills, and practice in detection, investigative, and prosecution procedures can be enhanced through learning about best practices from other countries in the region and beyond.

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Developing effective report writing skills in FAO

In 2020, Dods Training were asked to create an in-depth, two-day workshop by the FOA (a specialist UN agency) to assist in developing their team's report writing skills to become more effective.

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The Government of The Turks and Caicos Islands: Public Service Administration

In 2019 and 2020 Dods Training were asked to put together an intensive programme to be delivered in Turks and Caicos Islands to an audience of up to 100 civil servants.

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Policy Making Workshop

The 11 participants on the recent British Council “Policy Making” Workshop held in London (30 Oct -3 Nov) represented a range of Director/General Secretary level appointments in the Kuwait government including Health, Planning, Social Affairs, Justice, Public Works, Manpower Planning, Culture and Civil Service Commission.

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Foreign & Commonwealth Office: BiH Fellowship: One-week Programme

Having won the FCO BiH Fellowship contract in Spring 2016, the first priority was to design and develop the pilot programme for July 2016 delivery.

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The Electoral Commission: 2016 International Visitors’ Programme for the EU Referendum

Following the successes of our 2015 General Election Programme, the UK Electoral Commission again selected Dods to design and deliver a Programme of activity for the EU Referendum.

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Lagos State Judicial Service Commission: An Overview of the UK Justice System

Having previously delivered a well-received justice programme, Dods Training was approached in 2016 to deliver “An Overview of the UK Justice System” for some of the most senior members of the JSC.

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Government of Kuwait: Understanding the UK Civil Service

In early 2016 Dods Training was approached to design and deliver a five-day programme on understanding the UK Civil Service for a delegation of senior civil servants from Kuwait.

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Abu Dhabi Police: Management of Policy and the Development of Law

In autumn 2015, Dods Training designed and delivered a bespoke programme on the Management of Policy and Development of Law for a senior delegation from the Abu Dhabi Police.

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Shanghai Songjiang District Health and Family Planning Commission: Understanding UK Health and Care

Following the successes of our 2014 health programme, Dods Training was asked to put together another event for a visiting delegation from Shanghai.

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ECSA: Writing in Clear English

In late summer 2015, Dods Training was approached to put together writing skills training for delivery in Brussels.

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Government negotiation team, Government of Tanzania: Effective Negotiation

In autumn 2015 Dods Training were asked to put together a Programme for a negotiation team within the Tanzanian Government.

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Government of Vietnam: Overview of UK Parliament

In May 2015, the international arm of Dods Training was approached and asked to produce a short, interactive overview of UK Parliament and Government for a group of senior officials from various Government Ministries in Vietnam.

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The Electoral Commission: 2015 UK General Election International Visitors’ Programme

Ahead of the 2015 UK General Election, Dods Training won a contract with the Electoral Commission to deliver a four-day International Visitors' Programme aimed at senior election observers from around the world.

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Government of Tanzania: Corporate Communication, Public Speaking and Protocol

In January 2015 Dods Training/Westminster Explained were asked to put together a set of bespoke workshops to be delivered in Mtwara, Tanzania to an audience of up to 300 Government Communication Officials.

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